創辦人兼設計總監鄭勇威先生(Mr. Tony Cheng)是“香港室內設計協會”的 (專業級) 註冊認證全權會員。鄭氏是香港著名頂尖的專業室內建築及產品設計師,中國十大最具影響力設計師,中國建築裝飾協會最高榮譽(國際設計藝術成就大獎)全球三位得獎者之一,首位全球華人傑出青年室內設計師。鄭氏於2005年創辦愛家設計有限公司,為完善高端定製的專業化服務,於2015年創立個人品牌公司-鄭勇威設計師廔,致力以高端定製高品質生活為目標。鄭氏以現代主義的設計風格見稱,追求融入東西方文化的精髓及經典藝術的元素,創造出獨具前瞻性、富內涵、現代低調奢華的高端港式時尚典雅設計風格,其超過100多個傑出作品獲得國際專業奬項及殊榮。 鄭氏一向熱心公益事業及推廣中華文化,現為傑出華人文化促進會常務理事,並借鑑西方文化的發展歷史,推廣具中華藝術的家居設計,並被推薦出任聯合國非政府組織世界和平基金會和平傳媒的香港代表。
鄭勇威先生(Mr. Tony Cheng)累積了二十餘年的室內設計連裝修工程的專業經驗,不斷在技術領域、專業知識與藝術風格上突破創新,期望讓每一件作品達到完美的境界以贏得客人的信賴與贊美。他的作品經常被傳媒報道並被刋登在很多專業的室內設計雜誌上得到肯定與推薦。一般室內的設計基礎通常是建立在使用者對空間與使用機能的需求上,然而在兼顧滿足客人的需求外,在整體視覺與風格的呈現上,他更用心於空間的佈置與在色彩、材質… … 等整體風格上的搭配的創意,讓整個室內外的空間呈現一致的質感與視覺延伸性,舉凡簡單俐落的木作,繁複華麗的布飾與雕工,流線冷峻的鋼塑,高貴悠然的玻璃風,可以歐式、可以現代、可以東方、可以和風,鄭勇威先生在在都能精雕細琢出溫馨且尊貴高雅的空間氛圍。另外,無論是空間動感的流暢設計,或加強收納的實用性設計,鄭勇威先生皆能巧妙地將空間的深度、層次及視覺性焦點,讓你的公司都能展現自家品牌的優勢,事業如虎添翼;讓你的愛家都能成為充滿希望與未來的夢想安樂窩。
Icon Interior Design Limited is formerly known as Icon Interior Design and Decoration (Hong Kong) Company, in 2005. It is a professional design team lead by our director Tony Cheng, with expertise in space planning and interior design. We specialize in project management from the initial concept to the final lick of paint in a wide variety of environments, including residences, offices, retail outlets, showrooms, and show flats. Our team prides itself on being client-driven. Our job is to listen to what you want and provide creative design, timely and cost-effective solutions. Having agreed the design, we complete projects in the shortest time possible and with strict budgetary control, keeping the client informed and involved at every step.
The Founder and Design Director Mr. Tony Cheng is the top acclaimed interior and product designer in Hong Kong. He is the award winner of the Most Influential China Top Ten Award Influential Designers; the International Design & Art Achievement Award (Only three prizewinner); and First conferred the Global Chinese Outstanding youth of interior designer on him. Tony established the Icon Interior Design Ltd. in 2005. In order to deliver further top-notch and professional services, in 2015 he found his personal brand, Tony Cheng Designer House. Tony is noted for his skills in harmonizing the East/West cultures while capturing the essence of classic art. This allows him to create a profound, luxurious and elegant Hong Kong design style, with his signature modern and farsighted tones. He earned various professional awards and honors with over a hundred of his outstanding words. Tony is a director of the Outstanding Chinese Culture Association, due to his passion in promoting Chinese culture through community services. He spreads the Chinese interior design art with the reference of the history for the Western culture development. His dedication is shown through the Peace Media of the World Peace Foundation UN-NGO and being the Hong Kong representative.
Mr. Tony Cheng has accumulated more than twenty years experience in interior design and project management. He is constantly making breakthroughs on each design. His solid experience has provided him the base, from which he has gone on to prove himself a place totally reliable and respected professional in the interior design industry in Hong Kong. Tony has been commended by a number of satisfied clients. Many of his outstanding designs have been showcased in a wide range of interior design magazines. Under the leadership of Tony Cheng, we offer a comprehensive range of high quality services extending and attempt to offer clients the greatest satisfaction with the most reasonable cost. Let your beloved home becomes a cozy nest filled with love and dreams.